An attempt at making a helper function to show on a web page tensors of any dimension

Demonstrating a method to show any dimension Tensor in an HTML chart. This example shows a 2D Tensor

Demonstrating the method .htmlPrint using deeplearnjs

Using the code

Passing the variables: TheDiv, TheTitle, Table or Flattened, Fixed Decimals, Print html to console


Demonstrating a method to show any dimension Tensor in an HTML chart. This example shows a 4D Tensor, with dynamic adjustable inputs

Setup a Dynamic Tensor

const myWeights = new myTensor([], , [])

Then HTML Print Tensor
myWeights.htmlPrint('myDiv126', , , )


This Github, ... this Github Website Version, ... this Hosted Website Version, ... Tensorflowjs

By Jeremy Ellis
Use at your own risk!