Keras Links

One of the few things that I am good at, is taking a large amount of examples and making my own easier version of how to do things, unfortunately with Keras Layers and Tensorflowjs I am not there yet. So this webpage is my attempt to find a large number of Keras Layers in Tensorflowjs examples.

Please submit examples to my twitter account @rocksetta

Having a lot of fun with this codepen embed

See the Pen Web-App-Template01 by Jeremy Ellis (@rocksetta) on CodePen.

    My Issues with Keras

  1. Prep any kind of data: one-hot, integers, decimals, sentences, images, video,
  2. Basic use of Keras
  3. How many and which type of layers to use
  4. Shuffle (randomize) and split input data (getting close with this)
  5. Show Loss during training
  6. Prep data for prediction
  7. Output results (Getting better at this)
  8. Advanced multiple inputs and outputs. See articles by keras-multiple-outputs-and-multiple-losses and this one multi-class-classification-tutorial-keras-deep-learning-library

This Github, ... this Github Website Version, ... this Hosted Website Version, ... Tensorflowjs

By Jeremy Ellis
Use at your own risk!