edgeimpulse.com FOMO x y to car angle and speed testing ground Version 1.0.3-42

Try your equation below to change both the angle and the speed of the car (Speed represented by size)

Raw FOMO X: 0 to 96 raw FOMO Y: 0 to 96
myX -48 to 48 myY 96 to 0
Enter your equation to calculate angle and speed Use variables myX , myY(the converted values), rawX , rawY, myAngle, mySpeed

Enter Your equation here:
Calculated Angle in degrees:
Calculated Speed in PWM value 0 to 255:

Note: For single object detection you must make a pre-compile change to a model_metadata.h from 10 default to 1. See image below

Also note for angles in degrees using arctan Javascript try this equation :
Math.atan(myY/myX)*180/Math.PI Also note: The arduino is programmed in C/C++ but testing the equstions using javascript at least shows that your math is good.