web page control of the Core or Photon using a hacked websocket.
Not very secure but it works

Posenet at Posenet here Testing page Posenet at Testing here

Speech Commands page Posenet at index-speak.html

The core D7 LED should light for 25 seconds and then turn off. Then Click the connect button and the D7 LED should light. After that the nodeJS server should communicate with your Photon Type in the boxes then click the buttons to activate your Photon websocket to a node js server.

Device ID: Get this from the core area when logged in

Access Token: Get this from the settings area when logged into

Use this to test new controls flashed to the Photon


C ping Sent every 12 seconds


The following can be deleted

Enter a delay milliseconds per command
Timer result Watch that 10 flashes actually occur.
Lower the ms until only a few flashes occur or the LED does not turn off!
On my network I consistently can get 60 ms per command.

socket.ino main program loop
Note: The several hidden items on this webpage must remain on the webpage. Change type=hidden to type=text if you wish to see them.
Use at your own risk, by Jeremy Ellis
Twitter: @rocksetta