version 0.2.10

Allistic Quiz

Many people are showing some signs of a condition known as Allism. Are you Allistic? Take this simple test.
If your grade is below 50% you might be on the Allistic Spectrum.

  1. Score of 9 = Have excellent routines for doing things. 0 = Flexible around daily, monthly or yearly routines.

  2. Score of 9 = To the point answering questions. 0 = Convulted answers considering multiple points of view.

  3. Score of 9 = Very truthful, not effected by others opinions. 0 = Lies especial when socially motivated or pressured.

  4. Score of 9 = Acts like an adult, likes quiet order around them. 0 = Acts like a child, likes loud sounds, action and hyperactivity.

  5. Score of 9 = Business like, gets things done. 0 = Very Emotional, constantly needing attention, more likely to discus than do

  6. Score of 9 = Can get down to the work at hand even if it is repetitive. 0 = Frustrates easily with repetitive actions.

  7. Score of 9 = Considered by others very smart at a few things. 0 = Doing so many things they do not master anything.

  8. Score of 9 = Consider people as they present themselves. 0 = Obsessed with how people feel and act .

  9. Score of 9 = Speak what they mean. 0 = People with the disorder often speak in code. They say one thing, but mean something completely different.

  10. Score of 9 = Do not judge or bully others and not part of any cliques. 0 = Constantly sterotyping based on their social criteria.

  11. Score of 9 = Passionate about a few specific things. 0 = Have passion for so many things they seem to not really care about anything.

  12. Score of 9 = Have a strong sense of Justice. 0 = Able to break laws and rules based on their own social rules.

  13. Score of 9 = Love the details of everthing they do. 0 = Not interested in the details always looking at the big picture.

  14. Score of 9 = Neat and tidy. 0 = Messy and appear lazy
