my summer camp
Send me your URL as an issue!
Links you might find interesting
For the motion assignment you can use your cell phone accelerometer and this static webpage I made here is the main index
or use .
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css">
<input type="text" value="hi" id="myText">
<div id="myDiv">...</div>
<input type="button" value="in-out" onclick="{
let myValue = document.getElementById('myText').value;
document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = myValue;
So let’s update this simplejs.html webpage with more of the VIDEO FLAC coding abilities
V variables
I input output
D decisions (if statements)
E Events (onclick)
O Objects (structs are named variables)
F Functions (named chuncks of code)
L Loops (repeating code)
A Arrays (numbered variables)
C Classes (all the above as one thing)
Code update called betterjs.html
function myMain(){ // a funtion definition
let myTemp = '' // an empty variable
let myValue = parseInt(document.getElementById('myText').value); // input to a variable
for (myLoop =0; myLoop < myValue; myLoop++){ // Loop
if (myLoop > 4) { // Decision
myTemp += myLoop + '<br>'
document.getElementById('myDiv').innerHTML = myTemp; // Output to a webpage element
<input type="text" value="7" id="myText">
<div id="myDiv">...</div>
<input type="button" value="in-out" onclick="{ // event definition
myMain() // function activation
The only thing missing from this code is Objects, Arrays and Classes!
Basically click edgeimpules deployment, choose WASM, download it, unzip it and drag the entire unzipped folder into your public folder on Github. On your index page make a link to the folder
Main Tutorial Link
The tutorial is for the Vision Classification example but I think it also works with the FOMO example.
The download index.html file to replace the edgeimpulse unzipped folder index.html file for vision - classification here
Try this one for FOMO download-fomo
Good luck. Start thinking about your Project for Friday.
Basically with Linear Regression the labels are numbers and reflect the size of a sample. Easiest with vision classification.
huggingface chat at
Huggingface chat that we can control, there version
I will try to simplify it here my version
Note: As of today LLAMA-v2 is not available. I have putin an issue tofind what is the best one to use.
This is the issue I have filed
If you are checking this site. huggingface chat is getting really interesting.