Version 0.6.0-51

Microcontroller acceleration x, y, z data to a tensorflowJS model and then do some classification

Note: To make the code easier on both the webpage and the arduino. We have left the frquency and duration of sample collection to the arduino code.
#define FREQUENCY_HZ        50     // how many samples per second 
#define COLLECTION_SECONDS  2     // how many seconds to collect samples

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Here is the latest sketch I am using. The .txt is for viewing or downloading
  • a07-accel-nano33.txt This original nano33 acc code
  • ./a05-resistor/a05-resistor.txt the more modern version or one resistor code
  • ./a05-resistor/a05-resistor-v02.txt the more modern version or one resistor code This Github at

    Original Demo from Google Developers codelabs.

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